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Baykee New Energy Technology Incorporated Co., Ltd 는 무정전 전원공급기를 제조하는 제조회사입니다.백카의 무정전 전원공급기는 중국에서 손꼽은 브랜드로써 무한-광주,북경-광주등중국 주요한 도시의 고속철도,광주아세아경기대회,상해엑스포,광주티비타워,광주백운공항,등 중국의 대공사에 공급됩니다.
백카는 중국과학원과밀접한 전략합작관계를 설립함으로써 수십가지기술발명특허를 가지고 잇습니다.백카는 가장 선진적이고 가장 안정된 기반최점단 기술보증시스템으로 500VA-800KVAUPS시리즈제품,
8대제품시리지와UPS선택형부품은 각종전력설비및환경에 100%적응할수 잇고,백카가자유개발한UPS모니터링소프트웨어는 각종네트워크환경요구를 만족시킬수 잇습니다.
백카는 3개생산기지,7개생산라인를 보유하고 잇으며,UPS시리즈는 월생산량이100000 을 초과합니다.백카는 6년의 고레벨OEM경험을 갖고잇습니다.
백카는 저렴한 가격으로,고객님들한테 고품질의 제품,360도 완벽한 에프더
서비스를 제공합니다.
무전전?원공급기가 필요하신 고객님들은 꼭 연락을 주세요.꼭 만족한 가격을 드리겟습니다.
4.1 Technology parameters
4.1.1 Rectifier parameters:
Model CHP3040
rated capacity (kVA) 80
Max input current for single phase 95
Working mode 6 pulse(12 pulse optional )rectifier
Phase 3 phase +N+G
Input nominal voltage 220/380VAC±25%
Input nominal frequency 50Hz±10%,60Hz±10%
Voltage harmonic wave <5%
soft start 0~100% 5S
output nominal voltage 411/438.4VDC
Voltage range set by micro computer 378~438.4VDC(to be adjusted by professional engineer by setting the software)
4.1.2 battery and charging parameters:
Max discharge current(A) 143
battery type Maintain free sealed lead acid battery or lithium battery(optional )
quantity in units 30~32pcs
Nominal battery voltage 360/384VDC
float voltage 411/438.4VDC (automatic even charge of battery every 3 month, charging voltage is 435/464VDC)
Charge power 20% of the max. rated power, automatic adjustment of 0.C to be set according to battery capacity
4.1.3 inverter parameters:
Rated power COS φ=0.8 Nominal power×0.8(kW)
Phase 3 phase +N
Nominal voltage 220/380VAC±1%(stable load),220/380VAC±5% (load fluctuation)
Nominal frequency 50Hz±0.5%,60Hz±0.5%(battery power supply)
Frequency stability 50Hz,60Hz<±0.5%(synchronization)
Frequency tracking range 50Hz,60Hz±5%
Crest factor 3:01
Output wave Sine wave
Wave distortion linear load 3%, nonlinear load 5%
Dynamic voltage transient +-5%, jump from 0—100%
Instant resuming time <10ms
Overload capacity 115% work normal,125% 1min,150% 1S
Inverter power ≥92%(full load)
4.1.4 Bypass parameters:
Phase 3phase+N
Nominal voltage 220/380VAC±25%
Nominal frequency 50Hz±10%,60Hz±10%
Transfer time 0ms (inverter to bypass)
4.1.5 system parameters:
efficiency >80%(100% load)
computer communication interface RS232/RS485, adaptor for SNMP remote monitoring network for optional.
running temperature 0~40℃
Relevant moisture without Condensation 30%~90%
Running height at max. 1000meters (power drop of 1% at each increase of 100meters,max. height is 4000 meters)
Cooling mode forced ventilation
Noise dB from 1 m to the machine(depending on load & temperature) 48~55
cabinet color black (optiona
Input cable bottom side and backside
Maintenance friendly open from top and right/left sides
Overall size W×D×H(mm) 700×600×1520
weight(kg) 407
Input device terminal blocks
output device terminal blocks
[ 연락처 정보 ] |
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